· Τα Δυτικά ΜΜΕ που κάποτε καμώνονταν ότι διαμόρφωναν κοινή γνώμη διεθνώς σαν «πρότυπο δημοσιογραφίας»... Το επιπεδο συγκάλυψης κραυγαλεων εγκλημάτων, όπως στην Γαζα εν τζαι μια πρακτική που οδηγά, σαν απρόσμενη συνέπεια, στην αποκάλυψη για το πώς λειτουργεί η δυτική δημοσιογραφία....

·         Τα Δυτικά ΜΜΕ που κάποτε καμώνονταν ότι διαμόρφωναν κοινή γνώμη διεθνώς σαν «πρότυπο δημοσιογραφίας»... Το επιπεδο συγκάλυψης κραυγαλεων εγκλημάτων, όπως στην Γαζα εν τζαι μια πρακτική που οδηγά, σαν απρόσμενη συνέπεια, στην αποκάλυψη για το πώς λειτουργεί η δυτική δημοσιογραφία....

Ο δημοσιογράφος της Guardian, Owen Jones έκαμεν μιαν αποκαλυπτική έρευνα για το πώς ελειτούργησεν το BBC στην κάλυψη του πολέμου στην Γάζα.. Εμίλησεν με 13 δημοσιογράφους, τζαι άλλους εμπλεκομένους... Τζαι η εικόνα εν σαφής: παρά τις διαμαρτυρίες των δημοσιογράφων, επιβλήθηκε μια ισραηλινή γραμμή..

The BBC's Civil War Over Gaza

Owen Jones

Dec 19, 2024

Today Drop Site News is publishing a landmark investigation about the BBC’s coverage of Israel’s unrelenting assault on Gaza by British journalist Owen Jones. His report is based on interviews with 13 journalists and other BBC staffers who offer remarkable insights into how senior figures within the BBC’s news operation skewed stories in favor of Israel’s narratives and repeatedly dismissed objections registered by scores of staffers who, throughout the past 14 months, demanded that the network uphold its commitment to impartiality and fairness. Jones’s investigation of the BBC has three main components: a deeply reported look into the internal complaints from BBC journalists, a quantitative assessment of how the BBC characterizes the year-long siege on Gaza, and a review of the histories of the people behind the coverage—and, in particular, one editor, Raffi Berg.

Appropriately, when Jones began this reporting as an independent journalist and reached out to Berg for comment, Berg at first hired the famous defamation lawyer Mark Lewis, who is also former Director of UK Lawyers for Israel. Jones is a Guardian columnist and hosts his own searing independent news coverage on YouTube. Many thanks to those who donated directly to Owen to help pay for his legal fees.

We are living in an era where many people expect the news to be delivered in 280 characters or less. But investigative journalism often necessitates a careful peeling back of layers, an examination of background and context, and incorporating the insights of many sources. This is a long read, and may take you a couple of sittings to get through, but it’s well worth our attention given the global influence of the BBC, which hails itself as “the world’s most trusted international news provider.” As Jones notes, the BBC website is the most-visited news site on the internet. In May alone, it had 1.1 billion visits.

At Drop Site News, we believe in holding powerful people and institutions accountable, particularly when their actionsor what they publish and howmean life or death. It is in that spirit that we are publishing Jones’s investigation.



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