Οι τουρκοκυπριακές κινητοποιήσεις συνεχίζονται....

Οι τουρκοκυπριακές κινητοποιήσεις συνεχίζονται....

Τζαι νακκον παρατζει που τον Αη Δεμετη, γράφει ο Α. Σουτζης, μια μαζική εκδήλωση των τουρκοκυπριων ενάντια στο κτηριακό κόμπλεξ, με τζαμί τζαι προεδρικό, με την στάμπα της Τουρκίας..

"Today of Turkish Cypriots came together to protest the atrocious mosque and presidential palace complex being built by Turkey's AKP Regime in the heart of Nicosia.

Fuat Oktay calls it a 'stamp' of Turkey - TRNC relations.

In fact it is a concrete structure reflecting the ruthless facist AKP administration and its disrespect not only for the secular character of Turkish Cypriots but for the Cypriot identity itself.

Hundreds of Cypriots protested despite threats only two days ago by Mr Oktay stating those who oppose the complex will find Turkey and TRNC states against them.

The peace activists of Cyprus will continue their struggle for a Bi Communal, Bi Zonal Federal Cyprus despite the oppresive, regressive regime of Turkey and their local collaborators." 


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