Απροβίβαστη διοίκηση; Ανεξάρτητος διεθνής οίκος αξιολογεί κάτω απο τη βάση την διοίκηση και την διεύθυνση της ιστορικής Αγγλικής Σχολής?

Tα περί διορισμoύ των «Άριστων των Αρίστων» στα Δ.Σ. ως κακόγουστο και θλιβερό αστείο, αφού πιστοποιημένα πλέον από Βρεττανούς ανεξάρτητους Επιθεωρητές...
Το δε «δεσμεύομαι» του Προέδρου Αναστασιάδη  .. σταθερή αξία
L [εν που τον περασμένο Ιούλη που περιμένουν γονείς τζαι καθηγητές, καθώς τζαι ο τουρκοκύπριος ηγέτης, να τηρήσει τον «λόο» του ο Πρόεδρος για αντικατάσταση του Δ.Σ. της Αγγλικής Σχολής...]

Michalis Persianis «As an old boy, I would like the BoD to do a great deal of explaining as this review, long awaited, only confirms our concerns. There seems to be little concern among the key guardians of the school's tradition of excellence about the downhill path the ES has been following in the last few years. The ES will soon be the Dartmouth of secondary education unless there is deliberate effort to reverse this path.»

Α Second Century of Excellence?
The English School Governance and Management are assessed below border line by an Independent international agency

The claim that the "Excellent among the excellent" were appointed  to the Board of Governors, turns out to be a bad, sad joke, as it is now officially certified by Brittish Independent Inspectors ... and the "pledge" of President Anastasiades proves void rendering him non trustworthy L [parents and teachers and the Turkish Cypriot leader, are still awaiting for the President to honor his promise made last July, of replacing the English School Board of Governors..]

From the English School PTA facebook


The main findings of the Independent Schools Inspectorate on The English School.
Grade: SATISFACTORY for Governance, Leadership and Management

«Τhe quality of governance, leadership and management is satisfactory. Frequent changes in the leadership of the school have resulted in the board of Management involving itself in detail and consequently negating its ability to oversee the quality of education and implementation of policies, including safeguarding, The lack of a formal complaints procedure for parents has led to confusion of role and resulted in a small minority of parents in the questionnaire reporting that the school had not handled complaints well. A minority of parents did not agree that the school was well governed. The academic leadership has relied on the excellent learning attitudes of pupils to achieve their excellent academic results, rather than seeking to improve the overall good quality of teaching through a school wide appraisal scheme. The pastoral leaders have not taken sufficiently-firm action in confronting some key issues.”

Grades used in ISI evaluations in general seem to be as follows:

1. Excellent

2. Good

3. Satisfactory

4. Inadequate

It is important to view the grades in comparison to those of other schools inspected by the same independent body. Here is a comparative chart for all the European Independent Schools outside the UK inspected by ISI in 2015.

“How to Ensure A Third Century of Excellence at The English School, Nicosia. Observations on Governance at The English School”
by Grahan Gamble, (ex) English School Headmaster, April 2014

“..what is wanted for this purpose is a summation of how governance is amiss at The English School and the main consequences of that. The present situation has probably been brought about by the appointment to the Board of persons who are unwilling or unable to understand their roles as governors of the school, NOT managers of it. The Board of The English School, Nicosia, urgently needs members who are impartial and who have the personality, the wisdom and the qualities of character to build fruitful, trusting, mutually respectful relationships with the Head of School and his or her management team.”


The independent evaluation of the English School in fact tallies with the concerns about Governance expressed by the last Headteacher, Mr. Graham Gamble. According to information, at a meeting at the President Anastasiades’s office he warned that if the Board is not replaced, the historic school which used to be a jewel of the whole region, will soon turn into a piece of coal, in the hands of the Government which appointed it. What was replaced in the end, was not the non-credible Board but the headmaster himself…!

[1] https://www.facebook.com/parents.staff/
[2] https://www.englishschool.ac.cy/board-of-management


Δημοφιλείς αναρτήσεις από αυτό το ιστολόγιο

Τα τραπεζιτικά κυκλώματα: Οικογενειοκρατία, δικηγόροι και τραπεζίτες στην Τράπεζα Κύπρου

Η είδηση που δεν ακούστηκε, το φιλμ που δεν είδαν ποτέ οι ελληνοκύπριοι

Αναφορα σε ένα φιλο.... Martin Abbas Hellicar