· Για το ετερόκλητο πλήθος Ι
Για το ετερόκλητο πλήθος Ι
μια πλειοψηφία, όσων Ντόπιων Αμερικάνων [ «ινδιάνων» κατά την γλώσσα των
λευκών] ψήφισαν, προτίμησε τον Τραμπ
+ Trump won 64% of the Native American vote,
perhaps because of the fact that Neil Gorsuch, of all people, has become the
most pro-Native voice on the Supreme Court. Gorsuch wrote the sovereignty
decision in the Oklahoma case and was engaged in a two-year-long spat with
Kavanaugh on tribal rights, while the Biden-Harris administration approved a
vast copper mine on Oak Flat, an Apache sacred site in Arizona.
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